Fantastic Landscape Shots

Become one with the surroundings.

Buyers and collectors have accepted photography as art for a time now, but only in cases where it has extraordinary creative value. Excellent landscape photography is highly sought after as customers are craving for escape and romanticism. As a species, we have always been drawn to and connected to the landscape. Are you familiar with the topography and have an appreciation for the countryside?

When you’re outside and away from the commotion, what do you notice?

… sunshine peeping through trees and dancing over the countryside?

… mountains blanketed in snow and a river rushing in a deafening downpour?

The shimmering ocean lapping at the shore, the boulders on the coast?

Something dark and menacing over the wind-beaten moors?

…the reassuring glow of the sun as it sets for the day?

or steam, moving patterns of the wind, clouds, and magical light?

Do you feel the connection and find the beauty?

To get a great photo landscape, you have to understand the area and how light affects it. You need to have a strong connection to nature and a strong sense of affection for the land. The simplest way to accomplish this is to explore the area and snap some pictures before moving on.

During your walk, be aware of

* Light (highlights and shadows)

* Shapes (both angular and circular)

The hue (discord and harmony)

* Surface (both smooth and rough)

* Elements (powerful and feeble)

* Light and dark tones

A pattern, both odd and even

* Enigmatic (both?

Hence, the next time you’re out searching for that wide-angle shot of rolling hills and mountains with your camera, pay attention to the little details in the surrounding area as well and maybe only capture a small section of the bigger image.

It is your responsibility to capture the spirit of the situation in front of you in every shot. Your style and vision should be evident in every shot. If your shot is good, the audience will believe they are in the action and can experience what it’s like to be there. Relaxing with a stunning landscape photo is a great idea.

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